There’s a playlist with your name on it, your injuries and exercise preferences are catered for, and you are treated and respected as the unique individual you are. No need for the latest fitness trends; however, be willing to talk about food, the TV series you’re currently binging and are open to sharing a laugh while you train.  We’ve created the studio to cater for you.

Our Studio is designed for ALL.

You are welcome here, truly.

Results within Reach

You and I are a team. You invest in me, and I invest in you. You want results, and together, we’ll ensure you get them.

Some SJDI successes include:

  • Losing the extra COVID kilograms

  • Running 5km

  • Passing the Victoria Police fitness testing

  • Feeling stronger, happier and more comfortable within yourself

How we Personalise Personal Training

Goals are personal; our training focuses on you and your individual exercise preferences. We entwine this with our knowledge and technical ability. 

Goals are individual; your goals differ from the chick in the scrunchie-arsed leggings and crop top. Or they might be the same! Simply put, your goal is our goal and together, we’re going to hone in and turn it into a reality for you.

Goals are a dream with a deadline – let’s achieve them together!